Okay, I have a whole bunch to catch up on, but I decided I would start with November and go from there. My amazing husband had his 42nd birthday. I wanted to copy some one's idea and write:
42 things I love about Kenny
(with a few random pictures thrown in)
1- He listens to me. (and listens, and listens, and listens....)
2- He has gorgeous brown eyes.
3- He works all day to support our family.
4- He is very smart and can figure out pretty much anything.
5- He cleans up all the dog poop.

6- He is an awesome daddy.
7- He changes his clothes when I tell him to.
8- He is always thankful for the menial tasks I accomplish.
9- He is strong and can even carry me.
10- He loads and empties the dishwasher without being asked.
11- He is fun. He loves to play games.
12- He is just nice. He actually loves people.
13- He is dependable.
14- He makes the girls pancakes on Saturday mornings.
15- He loves and misses his family. (especially his mom)
16- He is humble and lets me believe I know everything.
17- He doesn't mind when I spend all day doing nothing.
18- He loves my family and enjoys spending time with them.
19- He vacuums, A LOT. (Without being asked)
20- He watches chick flicks and really likes musicals.
21- He spends time talking and laughing with me.
22- He's HOT, HOT, HOT! - You know what I mean, baby.
23- He loves sports, especially baseball and golf. (but not more than me...)
24- He thinks I'm cute. (fat or thin)
25- He would do pretty much anything for me. (except sing in public... maybe someday)
26- He likes my cooking and loves to help.
27- He does his church callings faithfully.
28- He gets the girls ready for bed and reads to them every night.
29- He has a testimony of the gospel and is a worthy priesthood holder.
30- He takes care of all our finances.
31- He lets me hold the remote control.
32- He never criticises me and he supports me in anything I do.
33- He fills the cars with gas.
34- He lets me keep the thermostat at whatever temperature I want.
35- He watches reality TV with me and has even started liking some shows.
36- He takes out the trash and recycling before I ever ask.
37- He cleaned and organized our garage so we could squeeze both cars in it.
38- He can sleep almost anywhere.

39- He is a great kisser.
40- He is a very hard worker.
41- He shows his emotions. Real men DO cry.
42- He buys me awesome gifts. (Like this laptop! Thanks babe!)
I could go on, but that would just be bragging. (ha-ha)
Kenny, you are the wind beneath my wings. You had me at hello. You complete me. You make me want to be a better woman. Wow! Where are all these profound thoughts coming from. The mind is a curious thing. Anyway, I guess you get it. YOU'RE SIMPLY THE BEST! (better than all the rest...)